Friday, June 27, 2008

27 june 08

3 more day i will be quiting this job le......i will miss working in this shop....

i enjoy work with all my fren there....i will miss them...= )

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

23 june 08

i zilian zilian!! takeing pic at shop...wahaha

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

07 june 08

on this day i work at bukit panjang pla.....i so sian the shoping wall is damn no ppl le nite wei qiang come find me.....and wait 4 me to finish work......after my work finish i meet 1 more fren and we when to town watch kung fu panda.....the show is very nice n funny.......hahas

Monday, June 9, 2008

06 june 08

at my fren shop slack slack n take pic......LOL

06 june 08

on this day i off....cos is my cousin wedding dinner.......hahas...time pass so fast all of my cousin is afternoon time i when to bukit panjang there to find my pass her her shop slack slack to 6plus....then when home meet my family togther n go to my cousin wedding tired cos after cousin wedding dinner still need to go meet my work fren n take key cos next day i working at bukit panjang there....

Monday, June 2, 2008

31 may 08

my gan mei n his bf n me n qiang

31 may 08

on the way to my gan mei bbq at east coast park we take many pic.....LOL

31 may 08

on the 31 may is my fren birthday is olso my gan mei birthday 2 birthday cope togther....dunno go to which 1 le bbq.....tink n tink many time then go to my gan mei bbq....i only msg n wish my fren birthday.......i so bad....= (

so sian that day cannot off.....only can go to my gan mei bbq after my work...... = (
after my work finish i call wei qiang come with me to my gan mei bbq....... = )